VO-S Stargazing – 02/11

Isn’t it blissful and nice, the days are getting longer and longer! Sadly this comes also with the nights becoming rapidly shorter and observing becoming more and more difficult… But fear not! We will have another observing night on Saturday, February 11th from 19:00, together with the VO-S – the alumni association of the Observatory! So sign up quick and come seize the winter skies, as long as we still can!
And in case of bad weather, we’ll have a fun alternative activity with the VO-S instead – So you’ll get the chance to hang out at the Old Observatory either way!
L.A.D. 'F. Kaiser'
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Current Board
Praeses & Old Observatory: Erik Seijmonsbergen
Ab Actis: Benthe Sturre
Quaestrix & Vice-Praeses: Kelly Ma
Old Observatory: Harshit Khandelwal
Promo: Sam Beckers