Month: April 2024

This is the website of the study association L.A.D. 'F. Kaiser' of astronomy students in Leiden

Observing night May 1

On Wednesday the 1st of May, the observing committee hosted an observing night! We had pizza’s, watched part of a movie, and then we observed the stars through the historic telescopes of the Old Observatory.

Kaiser Symposium 8th of May

Astronomy talks for Kaiser members, by Kaiser members! On Wednesday the 8th of May, Nikki Geesink gave a Symposium on gas in galaxies, and Rahul Priyadarshan gave a Symposium on using deep learning for astronomy research. There were many great questions from the audience & insightful answers from Nikki and Rahul! See you at the…
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Lasergaming April 17th

Pew pew pew! On Wednesday the 17th of April, we held a lasergaming night in Leiden, as a part of the DLF Dies activities. Some teams proved to be stronger than others, but each one of them fought valiantly and with honor.