Observing Night – 04/14

Breaking news! Another observing night is coming up sooooon on either April 14 or 15 from 19:30! Be there or be square as the old saying goes, because 1. with spring fast approaching, observing season is coming to an end, so 2. there might not be many other observing nights anymore anytime soon, which is why 3. it’s best to seize the night whenever it’s clear and dark! And also 4. we are collaborating with the alumni association VO-S again, so 5. you won’t only get to gaze at the stars but also meet some mentors meanwhile!
You will be notified of the day on which the observing night will take place shortly before, depending on the weather conditions.
L.A.D. 'F. Kaiser'
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Current Board
Praeses & Old Observatory: Erik Seijmonsbergen
Ab Actis: Benthe Sturre
Quaestrix & Vice-Praeses: Kelly Ma
Old Observatory: Harshit Khandelwal
Promo: Sam Beckers