Neon flashes, dimmed lighting, and people shouting – Sounds like a party? Sounds like lasergaming!! For the lustrum weeks, Kaiser is organizing a lasergaming activity on April 18th and in true Kaiser fashion… it will be at the Old Observatory! We start at 20.00 with forming the teams that will compete against each other in a grand tournament. And at the end of the night: we’ll move the party over to Cafe de Keyzer for after-drinks.
L.A.D. 'F. Kaiser'
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Current Board
Praeses & Old Observatory: Erik Seijmonsbergen
Ab Actis: Benthe Sturre
Quaestrix & Vice-Praeses: Kelly Ma
Old Observatory: Harshit Khandelwal
Promo: Sam Beckers