Mentor Lunch – 11/26

We’ve all had to deal with the most dreaded question at family gatherings or in other, sometimes random, situations: ‘So and what are your plans after graduating…?’ If you’re still struggling with finding an answer, or if you know the answer already but can still do with some great life advice, come to our mentor lunch (including free lunch!) in collaboration with the alumni association VO-S (Vereniging van Oud-Sterrewachters) on Saturday, November 26th at the Old Observatory, starting from 12.00!
L.A.D. 'F. Kaiser'
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Current Board
Praeses & Old Observatory: Erik Seijmonsbergen
Ab Actis: Benthe Sturre
Quaestrix & Vice-Praeses: Kelly Ma
Old Observatory: Harshit Khandelwal
Promo: Sam Beckers