Category: Past Activities

This is the website of the study association L.A.D. 'F. Kaiser' of astronomy students in Leiden

Soccer Tournament – 23/06

The annual STRW BBQ is coming up soon and what is a STRW BBQ without a soccer tournament???   As per tradition, Kaiser members and staff and students of the Observatory will compete against each other in a tournament before the barbecue on June 23rd from 14.30-16.30 (note the changed time!) on a soccer field…
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 THE Kaiser activity you’ve all been waiting for this year – rumors had it and the lustrum committee is making them come true! Soon you will be able to bask in the fancyness of the Old Observatory and dance your feet off to the classical tunes of grandious masterpieces (and more contemporary ones as well…
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Postponed Star Wars Night – 06/01

Note: This activity was postponed from May 3rd! It is a period of turbulence. Science students seeking fun amidst their busy schedules will see THE RETURN OF THE JEDI during an evening of bonding over a mutual taking to space and sci-fi classics. In an establishment that is breathing grandeur and has surpassed the age…
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Origami – 19/05

Looking for an outlet for your craftsy cravings and a great way to relax your mind? On May 19th, fellow Kaiser-member Julian will introduce us to Origami – the Japanese art of paper folding! The guided workshop starts at 15:00 and includes a Pizza Dinner together, for max 5€. Make sure to sign up for…
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Lasergaming – 04/18

Neon flashes, dimmed lighting, and people shouting – Sounds like a party? Sounds like lasergaming!! For the lustrum weeks, Kaiser is organizing a lasergaming activity on April 18th and in true Kaiser fashion… it will be at the Old Observatory! We start at 20.00 with forming the teams that will compete against each other in…
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Observing Night – 04/14

Breaking news! Another observing night is coming up sooooon on either April 14 or 15 from 19:30! Be there or be square as the old saying goes, because 1. with spring fast approaching, observing season is coming to an end, so 2. there might not be many other observing nights anymore anytime soon, which is…
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Board Interest Borrel – 04/04

Are you curious about what it’s like to be Kaiser Board?? Could you imagine taking on one of the functions within next year’s 31st board? Would you love to bring in new ideas and are you excited about keeping up old traditions? Or do you just want to join another Kaiser borrel? If your answer…
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Astrophotography – 03/22

Breathtaking and surreal photos are what makes Astronomy such an aesthetically appealing study – But how are such stunning photos actually taken? Hear about the technique of long exposure, some tips and tricks of astrophotography and learn how to create beautiful light paintings with your phone during a workshop by Bowen Cameron on March 22nd…
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Star Wars Night 2.0 – 03/14

It is a period of relaxation. Science students seeking rest amidst their busy schedules will see that THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK once again during an evening of bonding over a mutual taking to space and sci-fi classics. In an establishment that is breathing grandeur and has surpassed the age of time with halls whispering tales…
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Airbus Excursion – 03/10

Another excursion, another excursion!! We’re going on another excursion!!! This time, join us for a trip behind the scenes on Friday, March 10th from 15:00 to the facilities of Europe’s largest aeronautics and space technology company! At Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands, they have state-of-the-art facilities to design, assemble, test and deliver their technologies like…
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