“🚨This is an important message from Board 32🚨: Mysterious sources have informed us that a dimensional breach has taken place in the basement of the Old Observatory. There are rumours of strange creatures awakening which are radiating at frequencies similar to the CMB. Some of these creatures might seem familiar to you, but beware of…
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As Regulus is part of the Black family, and it is a 79-light-year journey, we ✨apparated✨ all of you here. But you cannot have a board name with a Harry Potter reference, without actually watching Harry Potter🧙♂️, of course! Therefore, we had the first Harry Potter Movie Night on the 16th of October.
On the 8th of October, we had a Committee Interest Borrel, which eventually resulted in the formation of the Observity Committee and the Spring Lectures Committee with a bunch of awesome people!
We had an amazing first Observing Night with more than 50 attendees!
Our first activity of the year – the infamous Astroborrel, happened on the 9th of September in the Fusie.
On Monday the 24th of June we held our Xmas cookie baking activity! Perfectly in-season and so close to Christmas time.
On the 28th of June 2024 we had our annual football competition between Kaiser members, bachelor- and master students, PHD’ers, and even professors. This year’s winning team: Monkeys from Mercury!
What a blast! The observing comittee has created a well put together scavenging hunt for all to enjoy. With clues hidden around the Old Observatory building, participants were busy answering astronomy-related questions and decrypting hidden messages.
In collaboration with the pubquiz comittee, we hosted an astronomy-themed pubquiz in the Fusie for all DLF and Kaiser members to join!