Astro Borrel – 09/14

Put on your shiniest space-themed outfit and enjoy an evening all in the name of stars during our Astro Borrel in the Foobar: on Wednesday, September 14th starting at 18:00.
As an astronomy student, you have the privilege to look at pretty pictures of galaxies, stars, and planets as part of your research and coursework. But you don’t necessarily need to study astronomy to love the aesthetics of the night sky! Alas, this activity is open for all members of the DLF!
L.A.D. 'F. Kaiser'
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Current Board
Praeses & Old Observatory: Erik Seijmonsbergen
Ab Actis: Benthe Sturre
Quaestrix & Vice-Praeses: Kelly Ma
Old Observatory: Harshit Khandelwal
Promo: Sam Beckers