On the 8th of October, we had a Committee Interest Borrel, which eventually resulted in the formation of the Observity Committee and the Spring Lectures Committee with a bunch of awesome people!
We had an amazing first Observing Night with more than 50 attendees!
Our first activity of the year – the infamous Astroborrel, happened on the 9th of September in the Fusie.
On Monday the 24th of June we held our Xmas cookie baking activity! Perfectly in-season and so close to Christmas time.
On the 28th of June 2024 we had our annual football competition between Kaiser members, bachelor- and master students, PHD’ers, and even professors. This year’s winning team: Monkeys from Mercury!
What a blast! The observing comittee has created a well put together scavenging hunt for all to enjoy. With clues hidden around the Old Observatory building, participants were busy answering astronomy-related questions and decrypting hidden messages.
In collaboration with the pubquiz comittee, we hosted an astronomy-themed pubquiz in the Fusie for all DLF and Kaiser members to join!
On May 28th the observing comittee organised a fun observing night with pizza, snacks and stars!
On the 28th of May we got a tour of the SRON facility next to campus, and we enjoyed a presentation by someone from SRON!