The Observity committee, a portmanteau between activity committee and observing committee, is responsible for organizing fun observing nights, where our members, or associates to the university (in open activities) will be able to look through the telescopes, as well as other activities. This also means that the members of this committee have had a building training and multiple telescope trainings. Hopefully this will not be the case too often (but we still live in the Netherlands).
To be able to have enough helping hands at these activities, we also have an Observing Guild. This guild is made for everyone that is interested to learn to work with the telescopes in the Old Observatory, and in exchange we ask them whether they are able to help at the activities organized by the Observing Committee, and sometimes also at public activities either organized by us or by the WLS. Everything is completely without obligation in the Observing Guild.
If you’re interested in joining either of these, be sure to attend the Committee interest borrel at the beginning of the new board year (usually in September/October)!
You could also send an email to
From left to right:
Samantha Sestig (Assessor)
Sonal Garg (Ab Actis)
Veronique Roos (Praeses)
Mara Boers (Quaestrix)
Sim Janssen (Assessor)