L.A.D. ‘F. Kaiser’ – Leidsch Astronomisch Dispuut Frederik Kaiser – is the study association of Astronomy in Leiden and is part of De Leidsche Flesch – the study association for Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics and Computer Science.
About 31 years ago(!) a group of students wanted to establish a study association specifically for astronomy students. They pushed through and on March 1st 1993, L.A.D. ‘F. Kaiser’ was founded, named after the first director and founder of the Old Observatory. Since then, we have organised numerous activities aimed at improving the contact between students and staff members of Leiden Observatory.
We regularly organise observing nights at the Old Observatory, go on excursions to space-related companies like Airbus and SRON and of course also organise non-astronomy related activities like borrels and dinners.
Besides the activities for our members we also work on communicating astronomy to the general public by organising the yearly Kaiser Spring Lectures and being active on open days at the Old Observatory.
Our activities can be joined by all of our members and once in a while we also organise open activities for all members of De Leidsche Flesch.
Becoming a member of L.A.D. ‘F. Kaiser’ is very easy, you are only required to be part of De Leidsche Flesch. You can always contact us to join one of our activities, or sign up here.